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Research project Harmoni-CA

Harmoni-CA (Harmonised Modelling Tools for Integrated Basin Management; 2002 - 2007) is a research project supported by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Programme.

Harmoni-CA contributes to the implementation of the Key Action "Sustainable Management and Quality of Water" within the Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (contract no: EVK1-2001-00192).

Harmoni-CA will produce guidance and methodologies based on support and consensus, which in turn will be achieved by involving science, policies and stakeholders, synthesising available knowledge establishing broad dialogues, and tuning projects.

A major necessity of the project is that the forum for unambiguous communication, information exchange, and harmonisation of the use and development of ICT-tools does not perish with the end date of the concerted action. Therefore, the continuation of the Harmoni-CA forum is desirable. A final objective of Harmoni-CA is therefore to formulate a set of specifications for the continuation and extension of the communication forum.

The USF Osnabrück leads Work Package 5 "Integrated Assessment and the science-policy interface" and is responsible for the overall coordination of Harmoni-CA.

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