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Forschungsseminar Systemwissenschaft

Sommersemester 2015

Das Seminar findet jeweils dienstags um 10:15 Uhr im Fachbereich Biologie/Chemie, Barbarastr. 11, Raum 35/E25 statt.

Das Forschungsseminar ist eine Lehrveranstaltung, an der MSc-Studenten/-innen teilnehmen und dort ihre Masterarbeit präsentieren. Im Rahmen des Seminars stellen zudem Mitarbeiter/-innen und Promovierende des USF aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten vor.

Research Seminar Systems Science

Summer Semester 2015

The Research Seminar takes place on Tuesdays at 10:15 AM in room 35/E25 (School of Biology/Chemistry, Barbarastr. 11).


Date Presenter Title Target audience *
05.05.2015 Ursula Jehle & Volker Lämmchen
Institute of Environmental Systems Research, Osnabrück
The institute's facebook initiative. USF
Prof. Dr. Horst Malchow
Institute of Environmental Systems Research, Osnabrück
Ingredients of spatiotemporal pattern formation in population dynamics. USF
12.05.2015 Prof. Dr. Eduardo Liz
University of Vigo (ESP)
Logistic population models revisited. USF
10:15 AM
Hagen Daum Integrierte Bewertung der Postwachstumsgesellschaft auf Basis des World3-Modells. (Master Thesis) EnvEconom, REM
11:00 AM Julia Leventon
Leuphana University Lüneburg
Socio-ecological systems and the common agricultural policy: Fragmentation and cooperation. EnvEconom, REM
02.06.2015 Vanessa Schakau
Institute of Environmental Systems Research, Osnabrück
Infectious diseases in streams and rivers. USF
Dr. Marcus Schulz
02:30 PM Scientific Presentation Modellierung von Desertifikation - von konzeptionellen zu GIS-basierten Modellen. USF
04:00 PM Probation Lecture Grundlagen künstlicher neuronaler Netze - von Struktureinheiten zu Lernregeln. USF
09.06.2015 Virgile Baudrot
Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon (FRA)
The foraging behavior on trophically transmitted parasites. ASW, TSW
16.06.2015 Marta Paliaga & Federico Roccati
University of Torino (ITA)
Mathematical models of cooperation in prey and predators ASW, TSW
23.06.2015 Philipp Gorris
Institute of Environmental Systems Research, Osnabrück
Developing a Graduate School at the IUSF - Introduction and Discussion USF
07.07.2015 Dr. Caroline van Bers
Dr. Joanne Vinke-de Kruijf
Prof. Dr. Claudia Pahl-Wostl

Institute of Environmental Systems Research, Osnabrück
Integrated Assessment - new perspectives for system science? Objectives and work of TIAS - The Integrated Assessment Society. USF
14.07.2015 MSc theses
10:15 AM Jànos Sebestyén & Alexander Müller Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit durch 'Nutzen statt Besitzen'? EnvEconom, REM
11:15 AM Alexander Ahring Modellansatz zur Berücksichtigung diffuser Substanzeinträge in Fließgewässer für das georeferenzierte Expositionsmodell GREAT-ER. ASW, TSW

* Target audiences

USF general seminar for all members of the Institute
specific seminars
ASW Applied Systems Science
EcolMod Ecological Modelling
EnvEconom Environmental Economics
EnvironPhys Environmental Physics
PUM Projects in Environmental Systems Modelling
REM Resources Management
TSW Theoretical Systems Science

Abstracts of selected talks

Eduardo Liz, Departamento de Matemática Aplicada II, Universidad de Vigo (España)

Logistic population models revisited

The logistic equation is one of the best known models of population growth. The original ODE proposed by Verhulst inspired other related models which exhibit rich dynamics; for example, the discrete logistic equation (quadratic map) became a paradigm of chaos after the seminal papers of May.

In this talk, we consider logistic models of exploited populations, focusing on the changes in the dynamics as the harvesting effort is increased. In this way, we discuss the global dynamics and highlight the link among different logistic equations usually employed in population models.

Virgile Baudrot, Antoine Perasso, Clémentine Fritsch and Francis Raoul
Laboratoire Chrono-environnement – UMR 6249, Université de Franche-Comté / CNRS, 16 route de Gray, 25000 Besançon (France)

The foraging behavior on trophically transmitted parasites

Small mammal populations display fluctuating patterns of densities in many ecosystems worldwide, leading their predators to adapt their foraging strategy (the multi-species functional response, MSFR). The predator-preys relationship is the route of transmission of a large number of zoonotic parasites with a complex life cycle (infecting different hosts during their life), like the cestode Echinococcus multilocularis (Em). This parasite is widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere and is the causative agent of the emerging zoonosis alveolar echinococcosis in humans. The red fox Vulpes vulpes is a typical definitive host (DH) of Em, with, in eastern France, the rodents Microtus arvalis and Arvicola scherman as intermediate hosts. We described this eco-epidemiological system with ODEs and we computed the basic reproductive number R0, i.e., the number of secondary infections caused by a single primary infection into an otherwise susceptible population. We developed a general approach to model MSFR including accessibility to resources and switching of prey preference by predator. In this framework, we investigated the importance of MSFR and intermediate host diversity on the transmission patterns of Em. Few works have coupled adaptive predator-prey interactions with parasite transmissions, and the inclusion of switching behavior is a first attempt to feed hot topics linking adaptive foraging behavior and IHs diversity. We showed that switching of prey preference may have a dilution or amplification effect, that is a decrease, resp. increase, of the disease risk with an increase of IHs diversity.

Archive: Research Seminars of previous semesters