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Research Seminar Systems Science

Winter Semester 2014/15

The Research Seminar takes place on Thursdays at 4:15 PM in room 66/E01 (Institute of Environmental Systems Research, Barbarastr. 12).


Date Presenter  Title Target audience *
13.10.2014 Dr. Ivo Siekmann
University of Melbourne (Australia)
The Tyranny of the Masses - Population dynamics of individual-based models
Montag, 14:15 Uhr, Raum 66/E16
23.10.2014 PhD projects
José Ricardo Ruiz Albizuri
UFZ Leipzig
Biocontrol of eutrophication under climate change
Frank Masurowski
UFZ Leipzig
Landschaftsstrukturanalyse zur Abschätzung der Leistungsfähigkeit distanz-basierter Konzepte zur Konfliktvermeidung bei der Standortwahl von Windparks und die Rolle des Analysemaßstabs
Edna Rödig
UFZ Leipzig
Scaling and optimization of a local, individual-based vegetation model with the help of Eddy-covariance data. Case study: carbon balance of the Amazonian rainforest [dieser Vortrag entfällt und wird nachgeholt]
30.10.2014 Dr. Jan Maik Wissing Energetic Particle Precipitation into the Atmosphere - an Introduction to the Atmospheric Ionization Module OSnabrueck (AIMOS)
06.11.2014 MSc thesis
Christina Velonis Der Water-Food-Energy Nexus in Zypern – Intersektorale Analyse zur Bestimmung nachhaltiger Entwicklunsgpfade
13.11.2014 Dr. Estelle Midler An introduction to behavioral economics for the environment: an example of experiment with Peruvian Farmers in the Andes
20.11.2014 Michael Bengfort Spatially varying diffusivity: A comparison between Fokker-Planck and Fick's law
27.11.2014 Christian Knieper, Nina Wernsing, Johannes Halbe Wie schreibe ich ein gutes Manuskript?
04.12.2014 No seminar
11.12.2014 Christian Ehling Multimedia Environmental Models USF
18.12.2014 Dr. Sascha Hokamp Climate Targets and Optimal Energy Investment under Uncertainty CANCELED USF
08.01.2015 Dr. Elisabeth Gsottbauer Behavioral-Environmental Economics: An Application to Climate Negotiations USF
15.01.2015 MSc thesis
16:15-16:45 Hannes Thomsen Auswirkungen von Änderungen im CO2-Gehalt auf tropische Wälder: Analysen mit einem prozess-basierten Simulationsmodell EcolMod
22.01.2015 Prof. Dr. Cyril Fleurant
Université Angers (France)
Fractal point processes: a reverse box-counting method USF
29.01.2015 Dr. Jörg Klasmeier Implementation of the marine strategy framework directive - descriptor 10 marine litter USF
05.02.2015 MSc theses
16:15-16:45 Marvin Nebel Berücksichtigung von Investitionsrisiken in einem agentenbasierten Strommarktmodell REM
16:45-17:15 Sebastian Weide Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping zur Analyse von kognitiven Hindernissen der Energiewende im Raumwärmebereich - Warum bleibt die energetische Sanierungsrate hinter ihren Erwartungen zurück? REM
17:15-17:45 Stefan Gausling Regionale Energieautarkie mit Power to Gas - Technikfolgenabschätzung unter Verwendung von System Dynamics REM

* Target audiences

USF general seminar for all members of the Institute
specific seminars
ASW Applied Systems Science
EcolMod Ecological Modelling
EnvEconom Environmental Economics
EnvironPhys Environmental Physics
PUM Projects in Environmental Systems Modelling
REM Resources Management
TSW Theoretical Systems Science

Abstracts of selected talks

Cyril Fleurant (Université d'Angers, France)

Fractal point processes: a reverse box-counting method

Fractal dimension is useful to characterize the structure of spatial objects such as urban structures or river networks. However, fractal analysis is underutilized for point processes. In addition, the fractal geometry is mainly used to analyse shapes than to create them. This seminar aims to suggest a method to generate fractal point processes. The procedure is a reverse box-counting method that is quite efficient since the relative error between the theoretical and produced fractal dimensions do not exceed 2% when the structure of the object is quite small. Beyond its goal to create point processes, this method is also a way to explore the relationship between the fractal dimension and the classical methods of spatial analysis in geography.

Archive: Research Seminars of previous semesters