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Arts, B., Maas, T., Bakkes, J. and van Bers, C. 2023. Integrated assessments for environmental policy in the ‘post-truth’ society ( Synthesis report of a seminar organized by PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and The Integrated Assessment Society, 6-7 October 2022. The Hague: PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.
Akinsete, E., Koundouri, P., Kartala, X., Englezos, N., Yihdego, Z., Gibson, J., Lautze, J., Scholz, G., van Bers, C., and Sodoge, J., 2022. Sustainable WEF Nexus Management: A Conceptual Framework to Integrate Models of Social, Economic, Policy, and Institutional Developments. Frontiers in Water. Vol. 4
Kleinschroth, F., Lumosi, C., Bantider A., Anteneh, Y., van Bers, C. 2021. Narratives underlying research in African river basin management. Sustainability Science. Volume 16: 1859–1874.
Van Bers, C., Delaney, A., Eakin, H., Cramer, L., Purdon, M., Oberlack, C., Evans, T. , Pahl-Wostl, C. Eriksen, S., Jones, L., Korhonen-Kurki, K., Vasileiou, I. 2019. Advancing the research agenda on food systems governance and transformation. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 39 pp. 94-102
[BOOK] Feindt, P.H., Krämer, C., Früh-Müller, A., Heißenhuber, A., Pahl-Wostl, C., Purnhagen, K., Thomas, F., van Bers, C. and Wolters, V. (2019). Ein neuer Gesellschaftsvertrag für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft: Wege zu einer integrativen Politik für den Agrarsektor. Springer Open.
Feindt, P.H., C. Krämer, Andrea Früh-Müller, V. Wolters, C. Pahl-Wostl, A. Heißenhuber, C. van Bers, F. Thomas, K. Purnhagen. A future-oriented social contract with the agricultural sector: Plea for a new agricultural policy. Policy paper of the ZA-NExUS project, for the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Bonn/Berlin, January 2017
van Bers, C., J. Bakkes and L. Hordijk (eds). 2016. Evaluating Approaches for Visioning and Backcasting. Based on a workshop held at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, 21-22 March, 2011. TIAS Report Series, Issue No. 2016/1. Osnabrück, Germany: The Integrated Assessment Society.
van Bers C, Pahl-Wostl C, Eakin H, Ericksen P, Lenaerts L, Förch W, Korhonen-Kurki K, Methner N, Jones L, Vasileiou I, Eriksen S. 2016. Transformations in governance towards resilient food systems. CCAFS Working Paper no. 190. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Van der Keur, P., C. van Bers, H. Henriksen, H. Nibanupudi, S. Yadav, R. Wijaya, A. Subiyono, Nandan Mukerjee, H. Hausmann, M. Hare, C. Terwisscha van Scheltinga, G. Pearn, F. Jaspers. Identification and analysis of uncertainty in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in South and Southeast Asia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2016. pp. 208-214 DOI information: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2016.03.002
Van Bers, C., J. Krywkow, J. Bakkes, J. Vinke-de Kruijf, L. Hordijk, C. Pahl-Wostl. 2014. Enhancing Social Impact Assessment Methods. TIAS Quarterly. ISSN. 2077-2130.
Garrido, A, Farinosi, F., Gil, M., Görlitz, S., Grambow, C., Hernandez-Mora, N., Interwies, E. Mysiak, J., van Bers, C. 2013. Assessing the effectiveness of preventive measures for droughts - Issues and Solutions. Presented at the 8th International Conference of EWRA, "Water Resources Management in an Interdisciplinary and Changing Context", Porto, Portugal, 26-29. June 2013.
Hare, M, C. van Bers, J. Mysiak (eds). 2013. A Best Practices Notebook for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation: Guidance and Insights for Policy and Practice from the CATALYST Project. TWAS: Trieste.
Hare, M. P., C. van Bers, P. van der Keur, H.J. Henriksen, J. Luther, C. Kuhlicke, F. Jaspers, C. Terwisscha van Scheltinga, J. Mysiak, E. Calliari,, K. Warner, H. Daniel, J. Coppola, and P.F. McGrath. 2013. Brief Communication: CATALYST – a multi-regional stakeholder Think Tank for fostering capacity development in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 1, 3919-3934, doi:10.5194/nhessd-1-3919-2013.
Pahl-Wostl, C., C. Giupponi, K. Richards, C. Binder, A. de Sherbinin, D. Sprinz, T. Toonen, and C. van Bers. 2012. Transition towards a new global change science: Requirements for methodologies, methods, data and knowledge. Environmental Science and Policy Journal.
Van Bers, C., A. Ortmann, and S. Rotter. 2011. Involving Stakeholders (Chapter 5). In Støvring Harbo, M., et al. (eds.): Groundwater in a Future Climate - The CLIWAT Handbook. Aarhus: Central Denmark Region. ISBN: 87-7788-265-2.
Borowski, I., C. van Bers, C. Pahl-Wostl. 2010. Improving integrated assessment in model-supported river basin management. In Vanrolleghem, P. (ed.). Integrated Assessment for Water Framework Directive Implementation: Data, Economic and Human Dimension. London: IWA Publishing.
Rothman, D., C. Van Bers, J. Bakkes, C. Pahl-Wostl. 2009. How to make global assessments more effective: Lessons from the assessment community. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. Vol 1. No. 2. Dec. 2009.
Rotter, S., C. Terwisscha van Scheltinga, C. Van Bers, D. Ridder, F. Jaspers and P. van der Keur. 2009. Capacity Building and Knowledge Transfer. In J. Mysiak, et. al. The Adaptive Resource Management Handbook. London: Earthscan.
Terwisscha van Scheltinga, C., C. Van Bers, and M. Hare. 2009. Learning systems for adaptive water management. Experiences with the development of opencourseware and training of trainers. In Blokland, M.W, M.G. Alaerts., J.M Kaspersma,. and M. Hare, (eds). Capacity Development for Improved Water Management. UNESCO-IHE, Delft, Netherlands, 45-60.
Borowski, I., C. van Bers, C. Pahl-Wostl. 2007. Improving integrated assessment in model-supported river basin management - Summary of Harmoni-CA/WP5 Results. Harmonised Modelling Tools for Integrated River Basins Management Project Deliverable no. D 5.4d
Van Bers, C., D. Petry and C. Pahl-Wostl (eds). 2007. Report on the joint TIAS-GWSP workshop: Global Assessments: Bridging Scales and Linking to Policy. GWSP Issues in Global Water System Research, No. 2. GWSP IPO: Bonn, Germany
Mendis, A. and C. Van Bers. Bitter Fruit: Attractive supermarket displays of tropical fruit conceal ugly environmental and social costs. Alternatives. Vol. 25, No.1. Winter 1999.
Robinson, J.B. and C. Van Bers. 1996. Living within our means: The foundations of sustainability. Vancouver: The David Suzuki Foundation.
[BOOK] Robinson, J.B., D. Biggs, G. Francis, R. Legge, S. Lerner, D. S. Slocombe and C. Van Bers. 1996. Life in 2030: Exploring a Sustainable Future for Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Van Bers, C. and J.B. Robinson. 1993. Farming in 2031: A Scenario of Sustainable Agriculture in Canada. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 4(1): 41-65.
Slocombe, D.S. and C. Van Bers. 1992. Ecological Design Criteria for a Sustainable Canadian Society. The Environmentalist. 12(4): 243-254.
Slocombe, D.S. and C. Van Bers. 1991. Seeking Substance in Sustainable Development. Journal of Environmental Education. 23(1): 11-18.
Robinson, J.B. and C. Van Bers. 1991. Exploring a Sustainable Future for Canada: The Next Step in the Conserver Society Discussion. In M. Garrett, et. al.(ed.). Studies for the Twenty-first Century. Arlington, VA: Institute for 21st Century Studies.